Tuesday 15 April 2014

:: an update, a recipe, and life lately ::

Thought it was about time I checked in to my poor neglected blog again, before it becomes a whole month! 

So I've had a busy few weeks. Cooking, eating, studying, packing, camping, washing, learning, driving, working, and cooking, and eating (yes, again), expressing and more working. I've actually gone and decided to become a Thermomix consultant! 

It's been really fun & exciting! I've had my Thermomix 2 years, and wasn't really planning on selling them. But seeing so many people buy them simply because I won't stop banging on about them, made me think. Just from seeing how the Thermomix has changed my eating habits, my ability to produce quality healthy meals fast, and the difference it's made to our weekly grocery spend, I really want to see these things become a reality for my friends and.... everyone! The options are limitless, and the savings start the moment it's in your kitchen.

So currently I'm on a 60 day rampage.... the goal is as-many-demonstrations-as-possible, and a few sales would perk me up as well. ;) It's been fun packing up my machine and popping along to cook other people dinner a few nights a week (we do 5 dishes in 90 mins), seeing their reactions and answering their questions. When you're personally passionate about something, it makes it all so easy, doesn't it?

Jason has been so wonderful, looking after Willem up to 3 nights a week while I'm out dominating kitchens in my black apron. I am so grateful that he's supporting me 100% in this and confident in my abilities, even when I'm not so sure. It's also been fantastic bonding time for him and Willem. Willem tends to 'go for' me when there is a choice between the two of us. So that's been beneficial in itself.

Here's a little creation I whipped up today in about 20mins (including freezer time) with my good friend Ayla. Raw "oreos"! Such a yummy little raw delight with no sugar, gluten, dairy, etc!

Recipe >> here <<.

So my apologies for the lack of posting. I'm putting up regular updates on my new Thermomix Facebook page though, so head over there if you want to see what's going on in my kitchen! It's called "Thermoments".

1 comment:

  1. You're my little whizz.... I mean Thermo in the kitchen! The raw oreos look great.


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