Monday, 26 November 2012

:: 24 weeks - 16 to go ::

Our internet has been down for an entire WEEK, hence my shameful lack of posting. It's been quite refreshing however, not having the computer to turn to when a moment of boredom strikes... Not so handy though, when I wanted to use all my spare computer-free hours trying some new recipes on Pinterest that I couldn't even access. :-/

We had an incredibly productive weekend in the garden/house though, as well as a very successful garage-saleing adventure! We found & bought several things that we were planning on buying new anyway (and now don't have to, yay!) and bought some things we didn't exactly need, but couldn't leave. Like this beauty for only $20:

Can't wait to get sanding.

Bub has been really active and having parties down in there I think! I did get some information back from the scan I had 3 weeks ago, that my placenta is quite low (2.2cm os), so although there isn't really anything to be concerned about, the doctor wants to do another scan at 36 weeks. Also, baby is breech at the moment, but apparently that's pretty normal for this point in time. They flip around mostly towards the end of term.

So otherwise, I'm feeling good. Belly is really tight. It's a funny feeling. It's also a funny feeling buying baby clothes. Yep, did that for the first time last week. Can't wait for a cutie to put inside them.



  1. Squeeee! I love the desk. Such a bargain! I can see a French provincial look happening in your nest :)

    Baby clothes - eek so exciting!

  2. I'm with Bec... I see the French provincial look happening, too! Nice!

    Your bump is looking as beautiful as ever.


  3. Thanks girls! x I can't deny I love that style. Timeless yum!

  4. LOVE the desk and LOVE how cute you look even more! xo


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