Wednesday, 20 June 2012

:: things that make humpday not so lumpy ::

The house is so quiet now that everyone has left.. my sister Sarah was the last to leave yesterday. It was a fantastic week full of road trips, gourmet pizzas, bulk food shopping, Melbourne flings, chocolate eating & sleeping bags on the loungeroom floor.

This Wednesday I'm just going to pepper my post with some of my favourite snaps from this week. You'll see a lot of my littlest brother and that's because I couldn't put him down, the darling...

1} The liner that brings my family to me
2} Jason and Marcus in their matching puffer coats!

3} Laura in her Jedi get-up 

4} Beautiful combo in Melbourne's South

5} Strawberry sorbet
6} Marcus in his 'nest' (pile of hedge clippings)

7} Couple of love birds

 8} Most of us at pizza (not the greatest photo ever! few grumpy faces lol)
9} James at the park

 10} The cutest ever, Marcus in his puffer & James loving the camera

11} Road trip!

12} My beautiful sister Laura

Lastly, all of us (minus my 21 year old brother, who sadly had to work)

Happy Wednesday!
(and happy Winter Solstice for tomorrow... the days are getting longer and brighter from here on!)


  1. What a precious time I had with my son and Daughter. A highlight of our lives. God's blessing be upon you.
    Dad and Mum

  2. Aww Daddy, we miss you all so much. It was the BEST having you all here. All our love! J&H xxxxx


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