Wednesday, 9 May 2012

:: belated humpday news [mess] ::

I missed my regular humpday post yesterday, it's all a huge bomb here at present!

So due to lack of time, I thought I would just leave you with some images of the scramble, plus a strawberry from my punnet which I have never seen the likes of before.

It was quite the funniest thing to look at (and to eat!). Have you seen a strawberry sprout before?

We're up to about 60 boxes at the moment, and still going....

Hope your week is just lovely :)



  1. That strawberry is amazing! I ate a tomato that's insides were sprouting the other day, but never seen a strawberry do it!

    Hope the packing isn't too stressful!

    1. A tomato! Haven't see that one.
      Thanks Lauren!

  2. The boxes are stacked very neatly! Hope all goes well with the rest of the packing.

  3. Ha ha i have seen a strawberry just like that only the sprouts were Much bigger than that. It was such a plant of its own :P

    1. REALLY?! wow. I guess that's how they grow though!


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